Основатель галереи, профессиональный художник Муртуз Магомедов, родился в 1941 году. Он является членом Московского союза художников с 1966 года, а также Народным художником Дагестана. Кроме 16 персональных выставок у нас в стране и за рубежом, произведения художника экспонировались на многих международных, зарубежных, всесоюзных, всероссийских и московских выставках. Произведения художника входят в коллекции музеев, картинных и частных галерей в нашей стране и за рубежом.

The gallery’s founder, Murtuz Magomedov, was born in 1941. He is a member of the Moscow Artists’ Union since 1966 and People’s artist of Dagestan. Besides his 16 personal exhibitions in our country and abroad, the artist’s works were displayed at many international, foreign, All-Union, All-Russian, and Moscow exhibitions. The artist’s works are included in the museums’ collections, picture-galleries, and private galleries in our country and abroad.

The friends and colleagues of the Gallery’s founder make the essential part of the artists presented in the Gallery. They have won fame during the period of socialism. Their works are displayed in the greatest museums and cultural centers. They are included in the prestigious collections of the USA, Great Britain, France, Russia, Canada, Germany, Japan, and other countries.
In the Gallery you can buy and order paintings, sculptures, all kinds of the graphic arts: water-colors, pastels, etchings, author-lithographs, book-plates; works of applied arts: Kubatchi and Balhar, master-pieces of Kuznetsov factory’s artists and Palekh, ceramics of Skopin, the works of the unzukulsky artists of Dagestan, all kinds of Russian folk-crafts, and also antiques.























  Галерея "Муртуз" Большая Никитская ул., 22 Тел.: (495) 690-31-39   Web-design - Dmitry Rakov
  Copyright  by MURTUZ GALLERY, 2003-2018 E-mail: murtuz@list.ru
